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Green House Seeds

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Arjan's Ultra Haze 1 - Green House Seeds

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0 Stars
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Mild sativa high, a real creeper. A very introspective, meditational feeling....



Arjan's Ultra Haze 2 - Green House Seeds

Average customer rating
0 Stars
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Great psychoactive high, strong & long lasting. Uplifting and social. Fruity and woody sativa taste....



Neville's Haze - Green House Seeds

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0 Stars
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Genetics: Almost pure Haze. Strong and psychoactive, very spiritual and introspective. Stimulating, long-lasting high. Medicinally effective in pain therap...



SALE - Arjan's Ultra Haze 1 - Green House Seeds - Cannabis Seed Sale Items

Average customer rating
0 Stars
Total votes 0

Mild sativa high, a real creeper. A very introspective, meditational feeling....

You Save:  40.00%


Last Updated: Monday, 01 July 2024 05:36

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